Saturday, September 24, 2016

Upcoming SB

While Kabam has consistently shown that anything can happen, my best guesstimate is that the upcoming SB will occur on Hoth, about which I've a few thoughts. First off, let's all hope that RNGesus turns garbage into Snow Trooper gear for those of us who need to finish the set. Personally, I saw dupes drop on the last 3 Hoth SBs. That last piece is elusive!

More importantly, nobody can really project the player turnout for this upcoming SB. For all we know, every Endgame player -- and by Endgame, I mean Founder -- could show up to crush one last battle with every one of their alts in tow. On the other hand, many players have just flat out quit. The VP requirements for all SB ranks dropped significantly even before the shutdown announcement, so there's a fair chance that a high rank will prove easier to achieve from here on out.

That said, our current crew is comprised by the consistent core group of SB Captains from Knights of Bail. If we all achieve the minimum VP reqs for the previous SB, which was just under 900K, we stand a good chance to earn Major Influence on Hoth. That would be sweet, since, already, we've Minor Influence on Burnin Konn thanks to Budder hitting an IB earlier today.

Good hunting, everyone. See you on Hoth.

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