Sunday, October 9, 2016

No Ado About BKonn

Before the last Hoth SB, a number of players speculated that it would prove our last. When we lost a recent IB on Hoth and, in turn, saw the SB meter reset, I thought the naysayers were probably right. I mean, this is Kabam we're talking about. Abandon all hope, ye who play Uprising! But, in all seriousness -- and in all fairness -- we now face an imminent SB on Burnin Konn, 1pm Monday EST.

If you've paid any attention to GC or the forums, then you'll have noted the uneasy quiet. Many, many players have moved on. Or else, they simply sign on with what I assume is a healthy degree of morbid curiosity. The rest of the stragglers hacked the game long ago and outfitted their Main Hero with 9* gear, as if just telling Kabam to go fuck themselves simply wasn't enough. Anyway, all this is as much to say that, if you want to earn Event Crystals the old fashioned way, then this upcoming SB presents a great opportunity to absolutely rake.

My next post will likely provide an overview of the BKonn SB and, in the near future, I also plan to post some thoughts on both Uprising writ large and how Kabam terribly mishandled the shutdown. Stay tuned. And good hunting.

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