Friday, October 14, 2016

Killing the Konn

So the IB finally triggered on BKonn and, suffice it to say, we still have Major Influence. Honestly, I'm not sure how! If I'm not mistaken, only myself and Winter ran the IB, and neither of us did any grinding. Instead, we hit it up for much needed Event Crystals. Come to think of it, Ryer was in on the fun, too.

The idea was simple: Run our Main and all Alts simply 1 time. As it turned out, every one of my Alts got Captain. For my Main and 3 Alts I raked, in total, 4 5* Event Crystals just for participating, then 24 4* Event Crystals for earning Captain. So, that's 6 5* Event Crystals in total without breaking a sweat. I highly recommend you give this a try next time around.

Speaking of which, we might very well have another SB, this time on Mataou, in the near future. These days, you never know. But my fingers are crossed. And if you still haven't found us on Galaxy of Heroes, what are you waiting for? My contact info is in the sidebar. The guild name is Heroes Errant. Good hunting, all.  

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